
The incense is made up of 100% natural agarwood raw materials and natural sticky powder. The selection of sticky powder determines the astringency of lying incense.
The incense is made up of 100% natural agarwood raw materials and natural sticky powder. The selection of sticky powder determines the astringency of lying incense. Most of the agarwood incense sticks, there will be a sense of scent in the recent smell, even if the grade is higher, but the extent is different. It is a good node 20cm away from the nose and mouth. Because this can be fully integrated with the air, the aroma of agarwood can be fully presented. Aromas made from fine agarwood quality are pure, and the smell of burning aroma is refreshing. The short design of the incense stick incense outer tube is convenient to carry. It is suitable for people who have been in a hurry in the morning class to ignite, ritual Buddha, meditation, purify the environment, play the piano, taste the tea. Agarwood fragrance can permanently remove the musty smell and the smell of sweat in the room. It also has amazing effects in removing mosquitoes, removing moisture and improving air. It can also effectively dispel domesticated kittens and puppies smell. In the office, you can improve the air, invigorate the spirit, refresh your mind and improve your work efficiency.

Difference agarwood and sandalwood?
Agarwood and sandalwood incense are two different lines, taste differ, introverted agarwood, sandalwood intense publicity, different people scent preferences are not the same, and not simply the price to determine the quality of both.

Why natural agarwood smells not good?
Natural agarwood is fresh and elegant (Chinese herbal ingredients added flavor relatively rich), mostly strong chemical smell fragrant, add a chemical flavor prolonged use of agarwood will make people dizzy, affect health.

Why natural incense frangible easy to destroy, Received broken how to do?
Due to no added chemical adhesive and combustion agent, guarantee incense products of pure natural, so easy broken, received goods 24 hours within will broken of incense products collected photo to customer service,

we will quickly for you replacement broken off of part, also can will agarwood products mill into powder with electronic smoked incense burner hot smoked, or with across fire smoked incense of form smoked agarwood, don't has mood.

Pregnant women can smell??
Recommended restrained and elegant taste agarwood, sandalwood taste relatively unassuming taste is not recommended during pregnancy.

Containing musk, saffron and chemical flavor incense pregnant women disabled.

Why your fragrance is so fine??
Relatively thick incense smoke will also produce large, so sucked into the nose of the particles will be relatively large, thus affecting the effect of incense, agarwood is fine as well.

Agarwood Supreme Incense 10g

Agarwood Round Incense Coil

Agarwood Incense 5g

Agarwood Powder 80g

The agarwood incense has the functions of assisting sleep, relieving pain, warming and stopping vomiting, calming the breath, warming the kidneys, warming the aphrodisiac, licking the beauty, and prolonging the life. Agarwood incense, selected raw agarwood ingredients, refused to add chemicals, processed with natural agarwood original rare plants as a bonding material, natural.

Agarwood incense is scented by surging smoke clouds, thousand changing, the smoke is elegant, and the fragrance spreads. The aroma of agarwood incense has a very obvious effect on repelling the smell of the room and purifying the indoor air, so that the interior can be instantly restored to the natural and elegant nature.

Agarwood is a natural calming medicinal material, a valuable Chinese herbal medicine, which has the effects of relieving pain, relieving vomiting, and relieving and asthma. Agarwood can be used for tempered, digestive stagnation, self-healing, and can promote blood circulation, lowering air, warming the kidney, warming the kidney, and has a good effect on cardiovascular diseases. In addition, the night lighted the incense could fell asleep easily, dreaming of a night, and being content with it.

The aroma of agarwood has the function of calming the mind and can help the practitioners reach the net and the positive definite. At present, there are a few agarwood incense specially used for sacrificial offerings. Some aromatized incense made by natural spices for assisting cultivation and can be used as sacrificial incense. Most of the "special fragrances for sacrifices" that are now more common are only marked on the theme of sacrifice in the packaging and name.

The high-quality agarwood incense is the first choice for incense. It produces a mellow, elegant and refreshing scent. It not only removes dirt, Is an indispensable spiritual enjoyment. After the agarwood incense is ignited, the cigarettes linger, bringing you into a dreamlike wonderland, is an indispensable spiritual enjoyment. Of course, you must have some control over the quality of the fragrance. Do not use inferior fragrance.